Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Welcome to FlexingHeart.com Richard and Maureen Levy

Oneness • Awareness • Stability
Come with us as we learn to use life’s inconveniences
to awaken to love’s presence

In these tumultuous times, it has never been more important to develop a spacious mind of peace and an open heart. Richard and Maureen Levy present teachings and a direct experience of the divine to move one forward into inner peace and a deeper sense of love and appreciation for yourself and others.

It is our pleasure to serve you!
where the buddhaful mind of the presence touches the heart of the living truthHE SIX NOBLE TRUTHS OF UNITY

1. There is only One Presence and One Power in the Universe: God, the Good, Omnipotent. No matter what the outer circumstances may be showing us, God is ever present.

2. We are spiritual beings, created in God’s image; therefore, we are innately good. The Spirit of God lives within each of us.

3. We create our life’s experiences by how we choose to act/react to the events of our lives. By consciously choosing our thoughts and becoming aware of our feelings, we can change our reality.

4. Prayer and meditation open our insight, intuition, and conscious awareness of the Divine Presence which is within us always. Through daily practice we reconnect to this Presence. This is our inner work.

5. Through the practices of lovingkindness and forgiveness, we bring the Spirit of God into the world. This is our outer work.

6. We live these principles through practical application, by practicing daily. Remember, that which is done with ease, was first practiced with great diligence.
Spiritual Practices: View, Practice, Action

Buddhist thought speaks of View, Practice, and Action. In using this framework, we can take a simple look at Unity’s spiritual beliefs and practices which are supported and upheld through our Sunday services, classes and programs.

Unity’s view comes from our first basic Spiritual Principle. There is only One Presence and One Power in the universe, God, the Good, Omnipotent. From this perspective we understand that all things are a part of this One Dynamic, Loving Presence. No matter what shows up in our life, beneath, above and through it all, The One Presence and One Power is there, loving us, supporting us, living through us.

Unity uses the practices of meditation and prayer to help us take an honest look at not only our divinity, but also our humanity. These practices help us to look deeply at what is going on inside of ourselves. We see not only the good within us, but we look at the parts that most of us want to run away from: the anger, resentment, jealousy, fear…As long as we run away from these emotions, we are ruled by them. The more we sit in meditation, the more we pray, the more we realize the whole universe is playing out inside of our own being! This helps us develop a sense of humor and a grander perspective about our individual condition, as well as our collective condition on planet earth. In these moments of fearless investigation of ourselves, “my pain”, “my suffering”, “my anger” is transformed into “the pain”, “the suffering”, “the anger” that we all share. This is when real transformation and healing become possible in the world, because we are dealing with it within ourselves.

From this honest investigation, we take action in the world. The spontaneous actions we take come from the Wellspring of Love, which lies just beneath the surface of all turmoil. These acts include lovingkindness, forgiveness, compassion, and generosity. We no longer see others as separate, but rather as extensions of the One Self of which we are all a part. These are the greatest actions we can take in this world.
Available for Sunday Services, Workshops, Retreats, Board Retreats,
Meditation Retreats, Weddings and Funerals
Please visit www.FlexingHeart.com for more information. Live life with true Aloha!!!!!

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