I am very excited to work with the team on this opportunity here in Hawaii.
Network Marketing is a great way to inform people and collaborate in making money at your own pace.
Please contact me if you would like to go over the program.
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Who is your Market?
Network Marketing is about marketing to your network. Who is your network? Your network is everyone you know.
From childhood, grade school, high school, college, military, church, spiritual groups, etc. it's people that if you called them, they would remember who you are.
Why share Club 100K with them? Why not?
Imagine if you decide not to tell your friends, family or the people just mentioned because you think they wouldn't be interested. Then a year or two from now your making $100K residual and you see your friend, or better yet that friend see's you driving your beautiful black convertible Audi up to Whole Foods.
They say wow, nice ride, what have you been up to? At that moment you remember, wow, I didn't even ask you if you would want to take a look at Club 100K because I thought you wouldn't be interested, and now I'm getting you just may have been interested.
So, you share a bit about this great business your doing and ask if they want to take a look and they say... of course.
Hopefully this Tip (somewhat of a lesson) rings true for you and start inviting everyone you know to simply check out Club 100K and see if it's a fit for them. If it's not, that's fine, they may know someone that it would be for and they can pass your site along. Again that wouldn't happen if you hadn't offered to them in the first place.
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