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International Blog that allows businesses to create blogs and bloggertize.
Use Blogs to make money, monetize your blog, advertise and monetize blogs to promote your business.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Club 100K with Jonathan Ditto 808-333-9779 want to make some money?
I am very excited to work with the team on this opportunity here in Hawaii.
Network Marketing is a great way to inform people and collaborate in making money at your own pace.
Please contact me if you would like to go over the program.
A comment is fine for a response.
Who is your Market?
Network Marketing is about marketing to your network. Who is your network? Your network is everyone you know.
From childhood, grade school, high school, college, military, church, spiritual groups, etc. it's people that if you called them, they would remember who you are.
Why share Club 100K with them? Why not?
Imagine if you decide not to tell your friends, family or the people just mentioned because you think they wouldn't be interested. Then a year or two from now your making $100K residual and you see your friend, or better yet that friend see's you driving your beautiful black convertible Audi up to Whole Foods.
They say wow, nice ride, what have you been up to? At that moment you remember, wow, I didn't even ask you if you would want to take a look at Club 100K because I thought you wouldn't be interested, and now I'm getting you just may have been interested.
So, you share a bit about this great business your doing and ask if they want to take a look and they say... of course.
Hopefully this Tip (somewhat of a lesson) rings true for you and start inviting everyone you know to simply check out Club 100K and see if it's a fit for them. If it's not, that's fine, they may know someone that it would be for and they can pass your site along. Again that wouldn't happen if you hadn't offered to them in the first place.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Call John Bobeck at 808-895-6565
BoostContact - SMS Text Messaging Service
Great news for businesses in Hawaii. BoostContact has expanded to Hawaii.
BoostContact is the largest text messaging service company in the world.
Designed specifically for businesses to expand their customer base and increase
their sales. BoostContact gives your business the power to send instant text
message promotions directly to your customers and new prospects.
BoostContact allows you to:
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Almost 90% of the US population own cellphones
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Over 80% of all customers keep their mobile phone with them all day
If you want to instantly get your Ads, Promotions, Announcements,
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call BoostContact now.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The Digital Millenium Copyright Act
A blog is online editorial. Judges have ruled, however, that blogs do not qualify as journalism. Regardless of first amendment debates, blogs are very visible and can land you in the world of civil law maneuvering much quicker than you think. Furthermore, if your blog has multiple authors, your actions with regard to their content could determine whether you have liability. Before we get into this, we have to understand a couple of key laws that apply to cyberspace. Let’s start by discussing The Communications Decency Act .
The Communications Decency Act
Passed in 1996, The Communications Decency Act (CDA) originally addressed pornography and obscenity online. What is significant about this federal law is Section 230 which provides immunity to Internet Service Providers and Internet Content Providers.
As a blogger, you are held accountable under the law for what you write and are responsibile for respecting the copyrights of others. Section 230 provides you protection from two areas of potential liability, however. The first is from the statements made by people who comment on your blog. If someone posts a comment that is considered slanderous, defamatory, or anything else for that matter, you are not responsible for it as long as you play by the rules. More on that in a moment. The second area is if you host a blog with multiple authors, you are not responsible for their publications. There are some exceptions, however. Before we go there, we have to discuss The Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Let me provide you a quick review.
The Digital Millenium Copyright Act
Signed into law in 1998 by President Bill Clinton, the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) heightened the penalties for copyright infringement amongst other clarifications that have become very important in the copyright world. This law is significant as it gives individuals and corporations alike certain rights as to copyrighted material which includes written copy, digital images, video, and music. Copyright items covered in the DMCA are exceptions to the safe havens provided in Section 230 of The Communications Decency Act.
Commons License
Bloggertize by Bloggertize Monetize your Blogs to make money on line , business blogs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
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