Sunday, September 4, 2011

Want to loose weight?

Click Here!

Want to loose weight?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Club 100K with Jonathan Ditto 808-333-9779 want to make some money?


I am very excited to work with the team on this opportunity here in Hawaii.

Network Marketing is a great way to inform people and collaborate in making money at your own pace.

Please contact me if you would like to go over the program.

A comment is fine for a response.

Who is your Market?

Network Marketing is about marketing to your network. Who is your network? Your network is everyone you know.
From childhood, grade school, high school, college, military, church, spiritual groups, etc. it's people that if you called them, they would remember who you are.
Why share Club 100K with them? Why not?
Imagine if you decide not to tell your friends, family or the people just mentioned because you think they wouldn't be interested. Then a year or two from now your making $100K residual and you see your friend, or better yet that friend see's you driving your beautiful black convertible Audi up to Whole Foods.
They say wow, nice ride, what have you been up to? At that moment you remember, wow, I didn't even ask you if you would want to take a look at Club 100K because I thought you wouldn't be interested, and now I'm getting you just may have been interested.
So, you share a bit about this great business your doing and ask if they want to take a look and they say... of course.
Hopefully this Tip (somewhat of a lesson) rings true for you and start inviting everyone you know to simply check out Club 100K and see if it's a fit for them. If it's not, that's fine, they may know someone that it would be for and they can pass your site along. Again that wouldn't happen if you hadn't offered to them in the first place.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Call John Bobeck at 808-895-6565

BoostContact - SMS Text Messaging Service

Great news for businesses in Hawaii. BoostContact has expanded to Hawaii.


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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Digital Millenium Copyright Act


A blog is online editorial. Judges have ruled, however, that blogs do not qualify as journalism. Regardless of first amendment debates, blogs are very visible and can land you in the world of civil law maneuvering much quicker than you think. Furthermore, if your blog has multiple authors, your actions with regard to their content could determine whether you have liability. Before we get into this, we have to understand a couple of key laws that apply to cyberspace. Let’s start by discussing The Communications Decency Act .

The Communications Decency Act

Passed in 1996, The Communications Decency Act (CDA) originally addressed pornography and obscenity online. What is significant about this federal law is Section 230 which provides immunity to Internet Service Providers and Internet Content Providers.

As a blogger, you are held accountable under the law for what you write and are responsibile for respecting the copyrights of others. Section 230 provides you protection from two areas of potential liability, however. The first is from the statements made by people who comment on your blog. If someone posts a comment that is considered slanderous, defamatory, or anything else for that matter, you are not responsible for it as long as you play by the rules. More on that in a moment. The second area is if you host a blog with multiple authors, you are not responsible for their publications. There are some exceptions, however. Before we go there, we have to discuss The Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Let me provide you a quick review.

The Digital Millenium Copyright Act

Signed into law in 1998 by President Bill Clinton, the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) heightened the penalties for copyright infringement amongst other clarifications that have become very important in the copyright world. This law is significant as it gives individuals and corporations alike certain rights as to copyrighted material which includes written copy, digital images, video, and music. Copyright items covered in the DMCA are exceptions to the safe havens provided in Section 230 of The Communications Decency Act.

Commons License

Creative Commons License
Bloggertize by Bloggertize Monetize your Blogs to make money on line , business blogs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Call Jonathan Ditto 808-333-9779 and receive free Body Balance


FREE SHIPPING For All New Customers!

Also Receive FREE Vitali-C and Powdered Body Balance with every order.

Local Hawaii News Sources

West Hawaii Today
Hawaii Tribune Herald
Honolulu Advertiser
Maui News
Garden Island
Haleakala Times

Friday, May 13, 2011

Test for Hawaii Vacation Rentals .tv

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Camp 'Imiloa After Dark in May, 2011

Aloha mai!

Welcome to 'Imiloa's monthly membership e-newsletter, Kilolani. Mahalo for your support of our programs. Please send your comments and feedback to our Membership and Development Office at or call (808) 969-9732.

Mei (May) Calendar
May 4 Science Rocks! After School Program: Weather
May 11 Science Rocks! After School Program: Mad Math
May 17 Presentation by Astronaut Koichi Wakata at 4:15pm
BrushBot FESTival at 5:45pm
May 18 Science Rocks! After School Program: Sustainable Living
May 21 OceanFEST
Maunakea Skies Lecture Series at 7 pm

Coming Soon:
Camp 'Imiloa - June through July
'Imiloa After Dark

Daily Planetarium Shows (Tuesday through Sunday)*
11 am Maunakea: Between Earth and Sky
1 pm Natural Selection (3D)
2 pm Awesome Light 2 (3D)
3 pm Natural Selection (3D)

9:30-11 am Keiki Kilohoku Korner activities in the atrium
10:00 am Earth, Moon & Sun (Keiki Show)

*Our planetarium show schedule will change starting June 18! See below for details.

Special Evening Shows
Maunakea Skies Lecture Series - Every third Saturday of the month at 7:00 pm

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This is where Jonathan Ditto eats

Yelp test map???

Prince Dance Institute/Disposable Nation May 13 and 14 Hawaii Prep Acadamy

Prince Dance is a newly formed non-profit professional dance company. Led by Artistic Director Angel Prince, Prince Dance was formed to create new works of dance designed to enlighten, challenge and inspire its audiences. Angel Prince is the award winning CEO of Prince Dance Institute and the Artistic Director of Prince Dance. Miss Prince has a BA in Dance and Psychology from Hofstra University. After living in Manhattan teaching, choreographing, and performing, Miss Prince decided to move to Hawaii in 2005 to reconnect with the elements. Once in Hawaii Miss Prince began the very successful Prince Dance Institute, which teaches classes and produces performances all over the State of Hawaii. In 2008 Prince Dance, a non-profit dance company, was formed with Miss Prince as the Artistic Director. Miss Prince continues to dance her way through the world's cities and countries, teaching, performing, and inspiring wherever her work takes her.

Hawaii Vacation Rentals Inc.

A month-long stay in the Kona or Kohala areas of the Big Island wouldn't be enough time to experience all the incredible scenery, vistas, waterfalls, hikes and small towns. There is very little modern development so you can get a real feel of how people have lived here for the last 150 years.

You can swim, snorkel, sunbathe, snow ski, parasail, hike in rainforests, kayak, paddle a Hawaiian canoe, watch whales, surf, go boogie boarding, scuba diving, fine dining, sail, go big game fishing, hunting, bird watching, take pictures, go in a submarine to see coral reefs, visit historical Hawaiian sites, take bus tours, boat tours, helicopter tours, hiking tours, sailboat tours, and mountain bike tours, go to a luau, learn how to hula and weave lauhala, get a tan and relax!

You can see volcanoes, lava, geothermal vents, Hawaiian rainforest, black sand, white sand, and green sand beaches, whales and dolphins, incredible tropical fish, turtles, moray eels, manta rays, rainbows, snow, rushing rivers, Majestic towering waterfalls, Hawaiian heiaus (temples), Hawaiian historical sites, huge ancient lava flows (and some more modern ones), geckos, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, hula dancing, deserts, The mountains of Hualalai (8,000 ft.) and Mauna Loa (13,000 ft.), jungles, tropical downpours, and an island community of friendly people.

Each of the following attractions are within a short drive from our rentals:

Hapuna Beach Park is one of the finest white-sand beaches in the world (top ten by Conde Nast). There is very little rain here, about 6" per year, so this beach has practically guaranteed great weather. Sunsets at Hapuna are incredible! Maui can be seen 35 miles away. A covered pavillion, picnic tables, showers, restrooms and a small hot dog and cold drink stand make this an easy beach to visit.

Spencer Beach Park is perfect if you have small children or don't like big waves. At Spencer Park is Pu'ukohola Heiau (temple), Hawaii's most famous and largest heiau.

Kawaihae is a commercial harbor, and home of the famous Kawaihae Canoe Club. A convenient store, galleries, a shop or two, a dive rental shop and a few restaurants are all located in a small shopping center.

Pololu Valley is a beautiful valley cut out of about 400 foot cliffs by a small river that still meanders through at the bottom. There is a quite steep 30-minute hike to get to the bottom.

Waimea town, also called Kamuela, sits at about 2500 feet elevation and has some extraordinary restaurants, fast food and everything in between.

Monday, May 2, 2011

This was a comment on Bloggertizing

Should lawyers’ blogs be classified as advertizing? I have wondered about that before, but never thought a state would consider passing a regulation to that effect. A committee of New York State’s Administrative Board of Courts has not only suggested such a regulation but also has proposed "extend[ing] court jurisdiction to out-of-state legal advertising that appears in New York." This has prompted a London-based lawyer to ask, "Could I be disciplined by New York state because there are pay-per-click adverts on my weblog or seminars, and these are interpreted as acts which ‘solicit legal services’?" Interesting issue. Would LDS-themed blogs written by lawyers that sometimes talk about legal issues and how they apply to the Church or Church history be subject to this regulation because they can be read in New York? Would Nate Oman, Kaimi, Steve Evans, Kevin Barney, ECS, Guy Murray, DMI Dave, A. Greenwood and other lawyers be subject to discipline for our participation on LDS blogs?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Preparing for Merrie Monarch
For the 2011 hula competition, hālau have been working feverishly to perfect their dances, complete costumes, and make final preparations. Soon they will be flying to Hilo where thousands of hula fans will converge during the Merrie Monarch Festival!
Many hālau have gone on trips to the famous places in their mele. On Kauaʻi, Kumu Hula Kapu Kinimaka took her dancers to the uplands of Kōkeʻe. And, Kumu Hula Hōkūlani and Larry De Rego took their hālau to visit Puʻu Poliʻahu at the summit of Mauna Kea.
Kumu Hula Kaleo Trinidad (Ka Leo O Laka I Ka Hikina O Ka Lā) reports, “Right now what we are trying to do is finish up all our last minute things. We just finished our blocking and how we are getting in and out. And we’re really hitting what we want to see. You know the technical stuff takes a long time – so right now it’s all about bringing the story forth in their face and expressions. We’re really set. There is pressure but we’re ready.”
“Girls have already gone to Hilo - already practiced on the stage. They are making their ti-leaf skirts now. We’re doing last minute details that have to be done or need to be changed because it has to be perfect. The girls are excited but the feeling is like ‘we just want to get to Hilo because it is really hard to concentrate on anything else now. We are just ready to be there. We want to go and do what we are prepared to do," says Kumu Hula Napua Makua (Hālau Nā Lei Kaumaka O Uka).
For participating hālau, this is just part of their lifelong mission to perpetuate hula. Of the many hula events and competitions held throughout the year, the Merrie Monarch Festival is considered to be the pinnacle.
Kumu Hula Keawe Lopes (Ka Lā ʻŌnohi Mai O Haʻehaʻe) says, “You know, being part of Merrie Monarch, being part of hālau is not something that I’ve ever taken for granted, and I hope that you know, our students never take for granted too. It’s like training for the Olympics, like everybody says. We always say, ‘how do Olympians get as good as they are?’ It’s because they take time to practice, and they love what they do.”

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

White Lava Installation - All Weather Surfaces

This looks like an interesting product, I bet you can see it from the plane landing.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Inter Island Flight Planning

Inter-Island Flights from Honolulu
The Hawaiian Islands are served by three inter-island airlines: Hawaiian Airlines, Island Air, and Pacific Wings. To view their routes and schedules, click on one of the links below:
Go Airlines
Hawaiian Airlines
Island Air
Mokulele Airlines
Pacific Wings

To get to the Inter-Island or Commuter Terminal at Honolulu International Airport:
• The free Wiki-Wiki (Hawaiian for fast, speedy) Shuttle at the Honolulu International Airport provides transportation to and from the departure gates and the Main Terminal and between terminal buildings. Look for signs directing you to the Wiki-Wiki Shuttle.

• It’s a 10- to 15-minute walk from the Main Terminal to the Inter-Island Terminal. There will be signs directing you to INTER-ISLAND FLIGHTS, HAWAIIAN.

• The Commuter Terminal is a 2- to 5-minute walk beyond the Inter-Island Terminal.

• Courtesy phones in the Main Terminal, Inter-Island Terminal, and Commuter Terminal are accessible except between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 4:00 a.m.

Flights from the Islands of Kauai, Hawaii (Big Island), Maui, Molokai and Lanai:
Each principal Neighbor Island airport features just one commercial-flight terminal building. Walking distances are sho

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hey do you need Hawaiian bands or performers for your event, call us today. 808-333-9779 or e mail

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Call Jackson at 808-990-8374 for all your Diving needs in Puako Hawaii

This is the internet webpage site for a memorable diving experience in Puako Beach, Kamuela, HAWAII.
Presented by PADI Trained and Certified Dive Master Jackson Seay.

Let me be your personal guide to our awesome dive sites.
Shore diving is the best here. All scuba and snorkel gear can be rented or use your own.
This is a place to visit for all - you'll see dolphins, turtles, whales, and fish.
Relax on the beach and have lunch, hike, bike, dream; now you're having a great time!
It's time to do whatever you want, we'll dive or snorkel on your time table and at your speed. I run a small business that offers big fun.

Help my business go under-water!'ll come back with stories and a smile...!

...picture this

LOCATION: On the beautiful Kohala Coast on the Big Island of Hawaii

...hey...paradise baby...!!!!!!!!!!


Night Diving too! me!
telephone: 808-990-8374

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Transformational Shamanic Breath and Sound Healing

Transformational Shamanic Breath & Sound Healing

Saturday, January 29th - Hawi

Sound Vibration, Breath-work, Sacred Geometry, Shamanic Healing, Sacred Chants & Mantras

with Estaryia Venus & Pran Gopal

Experience this Transformational Shamanic Breath & Sound Healing to free blocked energy, energize your spirit, activate higher consciousness and open pathways for life force energy to flow through your entire body!

"The most extraordinary experience I've ever had in my life with my body. I have done a lot of breath work over the years and nothing has ever come anywhere close to what I experienced with you. My session concluded with a total mental, physical, spiritual experience of unlimited expansion and complete Oneness all wrapped up in Love. I am still searching for a way to put it into words." - Reverend Pomaika ‘i Coulon

This Amazing Process:

* Oxygenates the Body for Rejuvenation of Cells
* Increases Energy
* Awakens Expanded States of Consciousness
* Releases Blocked Energy
* Facilitates Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Healing
* Opens the body to receive more light

During and after the breath activation, you will experience the special sound frequency patterns of the Harmonic Tuning Chimes. These instruments produce scientifically researched sound frequencies for DNA activation and Sacred Geometry to harmonize the body into its natural blueprint for optimum clarity & connection with one’s higher self!

Estaryia Venus is an international sound healer, yoga, sacred dance, movement & meditation teacher, and incorporates the science of sound & sacred geometry in her workshops and musical performances. Gopal holds a Bhakti Shastri degree in the study of ancient Vedic scriptures and brings his cultivation of deep spiritual practice through his teachings and sacred music.