Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Spirit of Golf Academy Darrin Gee

Summer is finally here and golf season is in full swing! Of course, in Hawaii we have summer practically 365 days a year, so visit us anytime and we promise to show you a great time. Happy Father's Day to all the dads, granddads and great granddads. I love the fact that golf's US Open ends on Father's Day (June 21st this year). How proud a dad must feel to watch his child win the Open on Father's Day. Wishing you and yours a wonderful day to celebrate the joy of golf and fatherhood. I want to take a moment to send a special congratulations to Jerry Kelly. A good friend and supporter of the Spirit of Golf Academy, Jerry won the Zurich Classic in New Orleans, his third championship on the PGA Tour. For those of you who know him, I know you'll agree that he's one of the nicest, most down-to-earth guys you could ever meet. I had the privilege of spending time with him earlier this year and knew he was on the verge of winning again--it was just a matter of time. Well, that time came on April 26, 2009. Our sincerest congratulations to Jerry and his family!Wishing you a wonderful summer,PS. As always, Spirit of Golf Academy alumni can repeat the clinic for only $100 and bring friends for $175 per person (30% off our regular rate). Playing lessons are also available for $250 (90 minutes including instruction, green fees, cart fees and clubs). Be sure to call ahead to reserve a space.SEVEN PERSONALITIES EXCERPT IN GOLF MAGAZINEDarrin's latest book, The Seven Personalities of Golf, will be featured in the July 2009 issue of GOLF Magazine. Look for the 5-page article titled "The New Way to Manage Your Game." The issue hits stands in mid-June just prior to Father's Day and the US Open. By the way, if you'd like a signed copy of the book prior to the Father's Day holiday, visit our shop at and order by June 10 to ensure arrival by Father's Day or buy from

The Seven Personalities of Golf: Discover Your Inner Golfer to Play Your Best Game
by Darrin Gee (Stewart, Tabori & Chang)illustrated by Keith Witmer
Hardcover, ribbon marker

List Price: $17.95
Our Price: $11.13 You Save: $6.82 (38%)

FREE SEVEN PERSONALITIES MATRIX DOWNLOADExclusive to readers of GOLF Magazine and subscribers to Darrin's newsletter!Download The Seven Personalities matrix from Darrin's book in a one-page, easy-to-read format. To download your free copy (requires Adobe PDF), type in your browser or click on the link: This page is not accessible from the main website so please bookmark it if you would like to access it again. Enjoy!NOTE TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS: If you joined our mailing list in the past six months, the links to the bonus downloads may not have worked as we were switching from our old domain to our new. This link will provide you with those previous bonus reports: (older subscribers are welcome to enjoy this link again, too!). Thanks to all of you for being a part of the Spirit of Golf community.GET A SEVEN PRINCIPLES BAG TAGA great deal of our success, including being named a GOLF Magazine top golf school, comes from YOU--our academy alumni, book fans and supporters. Thank you for spreading the word about what we do at the Spirit of Golf Academy!If you enjoyed Darrin's books, we'd greatly appreciate it if you would take a moment to leave a review on For each review on Amazon (one for Seven Principles, one for Seven Personalities), we'll send you a bag tag customized with a name of your choice in thanks. All you have to do is send us an email after posting your review with your mailing address and the name(s) that you would like on your bag tag(s). Bag tags are a $14.95 value and make a great accompaniment to the book if giving it as a gift. This special thank-you offer is good until September 30, 2009.

DARRIN IS CALIFORNIA BOUNDDarrin will be signing books and conducting private golf clinics in northern California from August 18-27, 2009. If you are interested in hosting a program with Darrin or having him offer a clinic for you, please contact Jennifer Simms at for more information. For updates on book signings, please check Darrin's blog (you can access his blog by going to either of his book pages on or through our website).
TWO "RED" BOOKS GIVEAWAYWe're giving away our two favorite "red" books: a copy of Darrin's Seven Personalities of Golf: Discover Your Inner Golfer to Play Your Best Game and Harvey Penick's Little Red Book: Lessons and Teachings from a Lifetime of Golf. If you're reading this newsletter because you're on our mailing list, then you are automatically entered (how easy is that?). If you'd like to earn an extra entry, just leave a comment under any post on Darrin's blog telling us how his books and/or the Spirit of Golf have helped improve your game. A winner will be drawn at random on June 30, 2009. MENTAL GOLF TIP: HOW TO HIT MORE GREENSfrom Darrin's Mental Golf Tip LibraryThis tip will help you hit more greens in regulation by doing one simple thing: take one more club.I enjoy observing how golfers operate on the golf course. You can learn a lot about a person and what makes them tick. One of the most interesting processes is watching how each individual golfer determines what club to hit. Some march out their distances by counting each and every step. Others use range view finders. Some look for the 150 marker and gauge their distance accordingly. Some just go with instinct. Into the calculation goes wind, elevation change, pin placement and for some the sun and the moon. All kidding aside, a golfer ultimately determines the distance and then selects the club that he or she believes will get the ball to their target.However, the large majority of golfers pick a club that they have to hit perfectly in order to go that distance. In other words, if they don't hit it just right, the ball will more than likely fall short. In fact, for the majority of amateurs, when they miss their target they're missing it because they are short of their intended target. They've missed the shot because of a slight miscalculation.The trick I like to use is to figure out my distance, choose the club that I want to hit, and then add one extra club. So, if I determine that an 8-iron is the right club to hit, I then add one more club and hit a 7-iron instead. Then I proceed with the same pre-shot ritual and strike the ball.If I hit it less than perfect, it will still have the distance that will get me to my target. If I hit it poorly, it may still be on the green but short. If I hit it perfectly, it will be a little long but most likely still on or around the green. Give this tip a try and see if you hit more greens and ultimately play better golf.

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